How I Do NOT Learn Languages

This is one of those “mistake” posts, cause language learning isn’t all good stuff.  Sometimes I screw up.  Then I share it with you guys.


I’d been ignoring my SRS for a while now, and I decided to change things up.  First, I noticed that while I was flying through 100-300 reps from my Japanese deck everyday, I would cringe at the mere thought of doing 30 reps from my Korean deck.  Now what the heck was going on?

Continue reading “How I Do NOT Learn Languages”

Tadoku: Experimental Round 1

So, I didn’t make a pre-Tadoku post like I usually do, so here’s a 多読コンテスト中 post.  This one is actually 2-week experiment, and our total page count won’t be affected by this contest.  But that’s no reason not to sign up.  Registration is still open(and will stay that way until the 24th, so get on it!) Details below.

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You’ll Never See That


Which of these three things will you never see?

A: A  lion playing a trumpet while riding a tricycle.

B: A salaryman doing handstand pushups while balancing two glasses of Calpis on his feet at Fushimi Inari at 3 in the morning.

C: The kanji 迄.

The answer is….

Continue reading “You’ll Never See That”