New Stuffs!

And I’m not just talking about the goods I acquired in 秋葉原.

New Blog Stuff!!

At least new blog plans.

I’m gonna lay out my plan here on the internet so I don’t forget.

More Photos:   日本にいる内に写真を撮らないことはもったいないから。

Reviews: Manga, Games, Websites, Products, whatever I use and like.

Sharing with community: Cool language stuff I find.

A frikin schedule: Finally. From now on, upcoming posts will be recorded in the sidebar.

More 日本語:The blog is about me learning Japanese, for now.  I always found it funny/strange that people with language blogs write them in their native language.  Of course, that makes it more generally approachable, so I won’t be using only Japanese.  But expect sprinkles of 日本語 throughout my blog posts.  And a few 日本語 posts from time to time.

Personal projects: In my experience, the best way to get better is to have an approachable goal and reach it.  Rinse and repeat.  I’ll keep thinking of new goals for myself, and I will keep sharing them with you.

Author: Koyami

I'm Koyami. I am a freelance Japanese-English Translator and I enjoy learning new skills and reading in my spare time. Current pursuits include juggling and playing piano. Follow me on Twitter for blog updates, random thoughts, and more!

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