
I’ve recently been really into tongue-twisters, known as 早口言葉 in Japanese.

They’re a surprisingly fun way to study and remember vocabulary.

where to find them

I’ve browsed around these two sites for a while, and there are plenty of other sites as well.

a few of my favorites

  • 高校教師高所恐怖症(こうこうきょうしこうしょきょうふしょう)
  • 魔術師が美術室で手術中(まじゅつしがびじゅつしつでしゅじゅつちゅう)
  • 東京特許許可局長今日急遽休暇許可拒否(とうきょうとっきょきょかきょくちょうきょうきゅうきょきゅうかきょかきょひ)
Do you have any favorite tongue-twisters?
Leave a comment below and share them!


Author: Koyami

I'm Koyami. I am a freelance Japanese-English Translator and I enjoy learning new skills and reading in my spare time. Current pursuits include juggling and playing piano. Follow me on Twitter for blog updates, random thoughts, and more!

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