Tadoku Round 1: Aftermath

The 多読 Contest is officially over!

I had a lot of fun reading this past month, and I have noticed vast improvements.

You can check out the results here.

I came in 36th place out of 99 readers.  Since this was my first contest, I’m happy with where I placed.  I’m even more happy that I’ve developed a new habit.  I always carry a manga with me, and I even got hold of some visual novels for my iPhone.

“Medium Champ” titles were given out to contestants who read the most in a certain category.  Turns out I got the Medium Champ title for reading the most NicoNico comments during the contest. (18 hours! There will be a follow-up post on how I did that exactly, introducing one of my new favorite ways to stay immersed in Japanese!)

I recommend anyone learning ANY language to take part in the next one, as I have personally experienced numerous benefits from this contest, including:

  • Increase in kanji reading recognition.
  • Increase in vocabulary.
  • Increase in target language material (manga, visual novels, websites, games, books).
  • Reading in target language now a daily habit/addiction.
  • Momentum/Confidence to keep reading.

HUGE Thank you to @lordsilent for setting up this contest.  Can’t wait for the next one!

Author: Koyami

I'm Koyami. I am a freelance Japanese-English Translator and I enjoy learning new skills and reading in my spare time. Current pursuits include juggling and playing piano. Follow me on Twitter for blog updates, random thoughts, and more!

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