【日本語】Akira and friends: September 読書メーターstats

Finally decided to finish the second half of Akira.  It is now my favorite series. Also read the first book of my new reading challenge, so I’m going to write a post about it soon.

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It’s been a while since my last 四字熟語 post. I think I’m going to try to switch up the style of these posts from now on.  This includes sharing where exactly I find the 四字熟語, as well as more nice looking formatting. I’ll also try to keep to a normal weekly schedule from now on, but of course that depends on how often I come across new 四字熟語.  Well, let’s get to it!

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You’ll Never See That


Which of these three things will you never see?

A: A  lion playing a trumpet while riding a tricycle.

B: A salaryman doing handstand pushups while balancing two glasses of Calpis on his feet at Fushimi Inari at 3 in the morning.

C: The kanji 迄.

The answer is….

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Intro to My Translation Projects

I want to be a translator.

I need experience.

I’ve decided to take some initiative and try doing fun little projects to see what it feels like to translate text.  All my projects will be Japanese-English translations.

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