

It’s been a while since my last 四字熟語 post. I think I’m going to try to switch up the style of these posts from now on.  This includes sharing where exactly I find the 四字熟語, as well as more nice looking formatting. I’ll also try to keep to a normal weekly schedule from now on, but of course that depends on how often I come across new 四字熟語.  Well, let’s get to it!

This week’s 四字熟語 is 四苦八苦。


Where the Heck…?

I found this while reading an article for my Japanese Reading class.  The sentence, sans context, reads as follows:



Breakin’ it Down




Basically, this means a lot of suffering/not so fun effort.

The definition given over at the Japanese Yahoo Online Dictionary is as follows: 非常に苦労、また、苦悩すること。



苦悩(く・のう)agony; suffering



The examples my 電子辞書 provide are as follows:

借金に四苦八苦する – be struggling with debts

仕事が多くて四苦八苦している – I’m up to my neck in work.

四苦八苦して小説を書き上げた – He sweated blood to finish writing the novel.

破産して四苦八苦の有り様だ – I’ve gone bankrupt and am in dire straits.

Author: Koyami

I'm Koyami. I am a freelance Japanese-English Translator and I enjoy learning new skills and reading in my spare time. Current pursuits include juggling and playing piano. Follow me on Twitter for blog updates, random thoughts, and more!