【日本語】Random Transcription 1

During my Japanese classes we sometimes had to do transcription exercises.  I tended to not enjoy them because, honestly, I sucked at transcription. I still do, but I consider it a really useful exercise for several reasons.

The most important reason being that any high-level work in a foreign language (translation, interpretation, etc.) requires full comprehension, I’d imagine. It’s easy to understand 80-90% or get the gist of something, but transcription allows one to actually know where the holes are in their understanding of the material.

This is why I’ve started doing transcriptions of random videos on Youtube. They are not corrected by a native speaker, so they might contain mistakes. But it’s something that’s becoming more and more enjoyable with practice.

Now that all of that background info is out of the way, here’s my first attempt.

the video

the transcript

This transcript is for a video of an  interview  with the voice actress 青木まゆこ, who did the voice for Yuna in Final Fantasy 10. Why did I choose this video? Probably because I’m replaying FFX in Japanese right now. I might just end up transcribing all of the interviews. Feel free to point out any errors via a comment below or  an angry email. I respond better to comments, though.
















Author: Koyami

I'm Koyami. I am a freelance Japanese-English Translator and I enjoy learning new skills and reading in my spare time. Current pursuits include juggling and playing piano. Follow me on Twitter for blog updates, random thoughts, and more!

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