Another month of work. The May report will probably look a lot like this.
I recommend 通訳席から世界が見えるto any language learner, whether you want to be an interpreter or not. The author goes into a lot of details about her study methods, and they’re pretty similar to habits I’ve picked up along the way of learning Japanese. There is a part of the book where she discusses 多読 that I thought was very interesting.
The second book I had to read for my seminar on Buddhism and Orientalism. It’s amazing how someone can completely make something up and then it becomes common knowledge. Ever since I started taking this class I’ve realized how unreliable many “valued” sources of information can actually be.
通訳席から世界が見える (ちくまプリマーブックス)
読了日:4月26日 著者:新崎 隆子ZEN IN THE ART OF ARCHERY
読了日:4月15日 著者:Eugen Herrigel