As my time as a college student winds down, my busy-meter is doing just the opposite. I did manage to get some reading done with all the dead time throughout my days, but I expect these next two months will contain relatively little reading.
Also, Shion Miura (三浦しをん) is quickly becoming one of my new favorite authors. I also have her work 舟を編む waiting on my bookshelf, so finishing that will be one of my goals for the month of April.
しをんのしおり (新潮文庫)
読了日:3月31日 著者:三浦 しをん宇宙兄弟(15) (モーニングKC)
読了日:3月26日 著者:小山 宙哉Prisoners of Shangri-LA: Tibetan Buddhism and the West
読了日:3月18日 著者:Donald S. LopezAn Introduction to Zen Buddhism
読了日:3月18日 著者:Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki日本人の知らない日本語3 祝! 卒業編
読了日:3月16日 著者:蛇蔵,海野凪子