Reading Goals for the Year and January Review

As someone who loves books and hates clutter, I find myself in a bit of a pickle. I have a lot of unread books that are taking up space, and I seldom reread books (especially fiction). That is why I made “read everything” one of my 2020 goals. So far, it’s both going well and failing spectacularly. Let me explain.

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My 2019 In Books

Time to dust off the cobwebs. One of my 2020 goals is to keep my blog more active. What better way to do that than by talking about some of the stuff I read last year?

Keep in mind that this is not a list of everything I read, just the stuff I remembered to log on Bookmeter (Another resolution of mine is to be better about keeping track of what I read).

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【日本語】A Change To the Challenge

Earlier this month I announced a challenge that I created to get more genuine book reading time in. Basically, the challenge was to read nine books that I borrowed from the library before they were due back.

Well, after serious consideration, I realized why this challenge was flawed from the start…

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